Author Topic: Budget 2014: Govt to consult on opening up H2B 1 to self-builders - Mortgage Strategy  (Read 3352 times)

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Budget 2014: Govt to consult on opening up H2B 1 to self-builders - Mortgage Strategy

Budget 2014: Govt to consult on opening up H2B 1 to self-builders
Mortgage Strategy
It is split into two parts – a £3.5bn equity loans scheme for new-build homes and a £12bn mortgage indemnity scheme, first revealed by Mortgage Strategy in February last year, which came into force in November for all properties worth up to £600,000. Help to Buy 1 allows borrowers with a 5 per cent deposit to ... However, experts suggest the UK needs to build around 250,000 new homes each year to keep up with just to keep up with new households. Mortgage Advice Bureau new homes director Andy Frankish ...

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Source: Budget 2014: Govt to consult on opening up H2B 1 to self-builders - Mortgage Strategy

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